
I'll be right back.

Starting tomorrow night at this time,

I'm going to Belgium next door.

I'll be back the next night.

In a recent announcement, the upload was made around the early morning of May 2nd (Japan time).

Please allow me to take a break.

We have informed you that,

If possible, you may be able to register first.

I apologize for being a European person at times like this.

We will respond to your orders and questions after we return.

I can send it for one day, but I will contact you as soon as I get back.

It's Golden Week in Japan too.

I remember walking around in the spring sunshine.

Whether you go out or not, no matter what you do,

Please enjoy your vacation and have fun.

When I was at my lowest point, I danced to death and felt a little better!




I hope you have a nice vacation.
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