
It was born.

We do this every year to be here.

There's a lot of work that needs to be done, like getting permission.

Every year, it hurts my head.

"Why!" "What the hell?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows too much.

My head is heavy.

At times like this,

“My husband is from here.”

I envy people who say that. .

Try saying it! ! ! !

I guess this annual event is not so tiring. .

Well, it can't be helped.

Come to think of it, there's a name like Sophora that I wanted before.

I wrote that there is a huge version of a plant in front of my house (as the name suggests, in the forest), but when I suddenly noticed,

Something that looked like that was growing in a flowerpot.

Maybe it's a weed, but

I thought to myself, "Hello, is it you?" and decided to wait and see how it grows.

If it were a serious weed, it would be a staghorn, but it can grow into a 2m tree.

a little bit! ! is.



After the race, I will fly to Brocan.
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