Limited time domestic delivery ends around May 10th! thank you very much.

The other day

We have ended accepting applications for "Assault! Limited Time Domestic Shipping".

Thank you for your order.

The package you ordered will be delivered around May 10th.

Since it is Golden Week, we will notify you of the delivery period well in advance, but we will do our best to complete the shipping process as quickly as possible.

After shipping, you will receive a ``shipped'' email as usual.

The contents are the same as the French flight, so

Please look at the text for 1 week to 10 days. . There are expressions such as

Please ignore that part.

Now, what are your future plans?

I will be away from the product side from May 3rd to May 23rd.

Therefore, we will respond to inquiries that directly require the product,

We will not be able to recalculate shipping costs for multiple items or ship items.

We are open for business and are accepting orders as usual.

New product updates will continue until May 11th.

We will take a break and reopen from May 24th.

Packages ordered between now and May 23rd will be shipped.

From May 24th onwards, it will be shipped by French mail.

The shipping date will be first, so all orders will be processed until then.

It will be on hold until the 24th.

Of course, you can still choose the "one month lien" option.

(If it were today, I would say it will be put on hold until June 1st.)

It's hard to understand, but if you have any questions, please contact us.

A while ago, I was relaxing on the banks of the Seine.

My first apartment was actually in this neighborhood,

At that time, I remembered that I had come there just for no reason.

A huge transport ship. .


Nageeeee! ! !

I was having tea with a friend in the evening, and something happened at the bar next door.

There was a mysterious (or rather, fun-looking) group. .

This platinum bobbed hair is full of bondage.

Moreover, if you look closely, all of them are quite elderly.

Ah, I want to grow old like that too.

The last outing patrol, the yield was 0 as usual. .

I caught an early morning train to the suburbs, but it was still very far from the station.

When I got there, I couldn't find anything. . That's what I've been doing lately.

Even though it was quite far away, I met a few acquaintances here as well.

Moreover, I met with (literally several) old men from a nearby boutique.

I was lucky to be given a ride in the car on the way home.

Moreover, there is another place you cannot go without a car: a ladder.

Well, as usual, I have zero purchases. .

Still, maiden old men stop and stop when they see a beautiful garden.

When you see a beautiful blooming flower, praise it,

His pace, or rather his demeanor, is really wonderful.

It's a very relaxing atmosphere that I like.

That's why even though I'm on 0 Patrol, I feel like I'm on an excursion and I'm feeling very happy.

Online flea markets can be operated even if the manager is not next to the products.

We are always open!

If you're thinking of going to the flea market, please stop by.





So, have a golden week.

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