A memorandum showing signs of recovery from my stay in Paris! Will be updated later!

I plan to write a long article, so if you have time or need it, please use it as a reference.

It happened on a very nice day. It's a very embarrassing incident, but I hope it helps someone in the future. . .

No, I hope the day never comes when I use it as a reference!


  • love
  • 2.3 friends
  • (true culprit)
  • Park control
  • police (person)
  • bank (person)
  • insurance (person)
  • Mobile phone contract company (person)
  • emergency locksmith

Required information

  • Fixed-line phone
  • computer
  • printer
  • Language skills higher than niveau moyen (if you have strong friends and love, it's OK if you don't have it)
  • a little cash
  • water
  • Sweets (to relieve stress)
  • Food for the 3rd and 4th (If your love is strong, you can share it even if you are not there)
  • heart of zen

Since the weather was nice, we went to Pard de la Vilette for a picnic and had a lot of fun.

At a picnic with Love, I brought a Frisbee and was completely absorbed in playing Frisbee, but what happened after that.

I was joking and said, "Oh, that's my bag," but it really wasn't there! ! !

To be honest, it was definitely my fault that I left my bag behind and played Frisbee.

To begin with, there were no people around, the view was good, and it was Paris (and in the 19th arrondissement), where such things can be expected.

Of course, we were playing Frisbee as much as we could while being very careful about our bags.

Seriously, it's such a brilliant way that you have no idea when, how or who did it.

When I realized this, I gathered everything together and caught the person controlling the park.

I explained the situation and left my contact information in case the bag came out.

This is because the majority of thefts involve low-risk items, such as cash and, recently, smartphones.

Other bags and other items in the bag may be thrown away, so things like residence permits (carte de sejour), etc.

It seems that there are rare cases where people want to look at the trash and find it later.

There were only a few things in my bag, including my wallet, smartphone, and house keys, but they were all important things.

In other words, it can be said that important things were gathered together in a compact manner.

In my wallet, I carry my bank card, carte vitale (something like an insurance card, and it also includes elements like my number). was in it.

First of all, if you look inside your wallet, you will know who you are and where you live, and it even contains the keys to a house where you can make even more money.

My old address is listed on my carte de sejour, so I don't know where my current house is right away, but

It's easy to find your current address. Nomura Mansa.

I have two bank cards, one for personal use and one for business use, which is also a problem. Kane Shimura.

In addition, there is a lot of personal information, and it is a Tao Piper.

The park controllers are just trying to make it look like they're doing their job, which I often see in a sloppy manner.

(I left my contact information, but my cell phone was taken, but since I had left my cell phone number, I called again from home a few hours later and gave my landline number.)

The next thing to think about is that there is a possibility that someone will go to your house during this time and break into your house, so you should hurry home.

In the meantime, be careful of garbage such as trash cans.

but! ! ! !

I don't have a house key, so I can't enter the house.

When I get home, I can make a copy of the carte de sejour on my computer that I will definitely need in the future, as well as a list of various places I need to contact from now on.

Fortunately, I had left the key to my house with a friend, so I called her! Oops, I don't have a phone. I don't know the number

But luckily, I knew where she worked, and luckily it was a boutique, so I headed there directly.

At this point, I have 0 money.

On the way to the metro, Love uses his cell phone to stop the bank card.

At this time, the card itself stops, so the card you had died. Waiting for new card to be issued (will take at least 5 days)

And if you put it in your house, things will go faster,

I got some metro tickets from Love and went to my friend's place of work. He split up and went to his own house to make sure the house was safe.

My friend was lucky enough to work at a place where there were a lot of nice people.

Even though it wasn't even a break, I took a break and went to her house with her and collected her keys without waiting for her to finish work.

Hurry back home.

Love was waiting for me at home, so there was no damage.

I can finally get into the house here.

I printed out the scanned version of the carte de sejour on my computer, and from my landline, I asked my mobile phone company to turn off my mobile phone.

I then order a new SIM card using the same phone (5 euros will be added to my next bill).

I got into my house, but my house key and address have been leaked, so I have to change my house key!

Call your insurance company.

Emergency locksmiths will rip you off if you call them.

When you tell your insurance company, they will dispatch a locksmith 24 hours a day to sign a contract with you.

In that case, there will be a travel fee, which you will pay directly to the locksmith (125 euros), but the insurance company will pay the rest.

Anyway, no matter what I do, my contacts ask me for my cell phone number, but I don't have one, so I'm glad I have a phone number at home.

What's more, until recently, I had been unable to use the electricity at home since last year, so I had to buy a new one.

However, because of that, I had a small problem later on.

The insurance company called the emergency number, but it was very busy (which happens very often).

In the end, I was told that the locksmith would contact me either tonight or the next morning, but I didn't get a call! (very common)

In the first place, the contact number is at home, so I have to be on standby at home, and it's dangerous to be away unless the keys are changed, so I have to act as a house sitter.

The first thing you need to do, whether it's a rabbit or a corner, is to file a complaint with the local police.

By handing it in, you can get a paper from the police.

This paper will be a necessary document in order to proceed with other matters, and it has been decided that it will be within 48 hours (I think).

So, once again, I asked Love to take care of my house-sitting and phone calls, and in the meantime, I took a ride to the police station. Charlie's spare key was at home.

However, there are many victims in Paris after all, so I told the security guard who was there before I entered.

"I'll wait for more than two hours. If it's later than this, I'll wait longer. Tomorrow morning is better."

"But what did you take? Your cell phone? Oh, so do you have an IME for your cell phone?"

"I've heard of IME, but what is that?"

And the dragonfly returned home.

On the way home, I was feeling mentally exhausted, so I rowed in the air above Chari Chari.

It's a normal thing to stop properly at a red light, but then your armpits roll.

The old man's bike quickly ignored the signal and passed me by.

I now have the mind of a small animal,

``Ah, it's not like that old man is in any trouble when he gets robbed even though he's doing his best.''

I even think, ``I wish he would be the one to commit the theft...'' Oh, the darkness is spreading! ! !

I think people who know about IME are well aware of it, but it's a 15-digit number attached to each device.

When I buy a smartphone, I always buy it in the box or something.

For iPhones, click on your device on icloud.com. Note that.

I was getting hungry, so I thought about buying something on the way home, but I couldn't withdraw the money for about 10 days.

I'm currently living a life of paying cash with only the cash I have, so I try to save money and make meals with what I have at home.

First of all, what are you waiting for?

Ah, yes, it was a call from a locksmith.




I don't have to call.

This happened the next day (I found out today) that the phone stopped making sound because I had just bought it and I didn't know how to set it up properly.

So this day ends here. To my colleague on purchasing patrol at night

``I don't think I'll have a phone call for about 10 days from today, but I can do it on Line, so I'll go with that.''


(I'm French, but they have a line for me and I use it quite a lot.)

Eh! ! What happened? I asked him, but he had already said the same thing over and over again, so I got bored and ignored him.

And the next day (today), it's a solo activity and I'm doing it by myself.

When I woke up in the morning, I thought to myself, ``It's such a hassle~I feel like I can stay like this.''

First, I called the insurance company to remind them, ``I haven't received a call from the locksmith.''

Then, she said, ``Did you call me yesterday? I don't have any record of your phone call? Well, how about I report it stolen?'' and started all over again.

Also, ask for the locksmith's phone number and call them.

So, it came right away! He came right away, did his work very quickly, and left.

What about the locksmith's trip fee? I don't know, but I was told that I would have to pay the locksmith myself, so

I'm going to pay the bill, but since my card is dead, I don't have any cash.

So I paid 125 euros by check.

I'll make sure to get a receipt.

I think I might need it for some reason after this.

In fact, bank cards issued in France already come with theft insurance.

I asked the bank later and they told me if they had a receipt for the key exchange, please send it to me. I was told that

Ah, I'm glad I got it. That's what I thought. .

Before that, I received a message from a colleague first thing in the morning.

I got a line that said, ``I called the home office, but there's no answer. Please call me if you need it.'' So I called his cell phone and realized that he wasn't at home, so I checked the settings.

Even there, I was asked, "What happened?"

Being an honest person, I refused and said, "No, I don't want to talk about it right now."

When I tell people about the two things every time,

People always say things like, ``I wish I had done that,'' or ``If I had done that, things might have turned out like this,'' or ``If I had to be careful, it wouldn't work.''

no! I was careful, but my sneaky technique was just better! ! !

Or rather, I don't know if it's personality, but

Even if you say ``if only...'' or ``if only...'', there is nothing that can be done about what has already happened.

Even if I'm angry about what's over, I have a lot of things to do right now, and if I don't get things done as soon as possible, there's still a chance of a second disaster, so it's a waste of energy to use up on things like that. .

I want to concentrate on thinking about what needs to be done.

He seems to be surprisingly calm, and even without a smartphone, it doesn't really bother him that much.

For carte type people, it is essential for living.

In fact, my friends say they'll lend me money,

The problem is that you don't have a card. Without it, you won't be able to pay shipping costs for shipping, and you can only make purchases if you have a card.

Little by little, I began to realize the importance of this.

I'm an immigrant, so I don't need carte de sejour for more than a little while.

Carte vitale is under control at a women's hospital, so I have to wait for some tests that I have to do.


However, the key was finally changed in no time, so now I can go out! !

Next, report the theft to the police.

The place I mentioned yesterday was Comic Comics, so I picked a quiet place and went there.

I was on my own.

This is what Japan is like with police officers. The policeman next to me also said that he wanted to go there because Sakura seemed pretty.

It was unique to a private restaurant.

The questions you will probably be asked when reporting theft are as follows.

When, where, and what was taken?

When and what time?

Did you see the criminal's face? (Even if you catch it, you won't be able to catch it, and there are so many of them that it doesn't really matter if you catch it.)

The situation at that time.

Where did you put your bag? And.

Now, this is even more important.The paper you receive here will be submitted for insurance and other various procedures in the future, so the more detailed it is, the better.

What was in your wallet?

Mobile phone manufacturer and IME number

Were the other papers you filled out unlocked? Was the power on at that time? When was the last time you used it? When did you buy it? Please also fill in the details.

Nowadays, smartphones control important aspects of daily life, so there are many questions about smartphones.

The police will permanently block your smartphone based on your IME number. Why is it important?

After leaving the police and returning home, I attacked the bank again. Check that the card is stopped,

I asked how many days I would receive my new card and the steps to activate it.

Nowadays, everything is a smartphone,

Just as I was saying that the card had been sent, I received an SNS message from the bank on my smartphone.

Send the security code you received when you canceled your card over the phone yesterday to that SNS → You will receive a compatibility number for your new card.

That procedure.

It's a smartphone again! ! !

What about people who don't have smartphones in the first place? ? this?

Actually, I can't buy a new smartphone because I don't have a card. . But I don't have a smartphone, so I can't activate my card. .

At this point, I realized that I was stuck in all directions.

However, I had a little secret plan.

Ah, that thin light~~~~

I didn't know what happened, but I had taken the smartphone I had been using a long time ago! !

I hope that if I insert the SIM card that was sent to me into this, I will be able to just use SNS.

I haven't received my SIM card yet, so I don't know if it will work, but it will work! ! I can go ===! ! !

As I listened to my neighbors' nighttime activities, I turned my anxiety into peace of mind.

Well, we live in a very convenient world, but what are we going to do with an old man who can't use a smartphone?

In fact, I often feel that suffocation even when I am in Japan.

I don't have a Japon cell phone, so there are a lot of things I can't do with it.

Having said that, the current state of our paper society will not change, for example, paper for the police is essential.

Anyway, you need a smartphone for something like that, but other than that, there's no problem at all without it.

I don't have many friends.

Originally, I didn't contact them myself.

I would cry if I didn't have JK these days! Isn't it strange that you're saying it's impossible?

Up to this point,

Cell phones, police, and banks are over.

The most important carte de sejour is

Since I'm in Paris, I went to the Prefecture Police website.

Also, in the past, I used to keep making phone calls that I thought would never get through, and I kept going back and forth trying to pick up rendez-vous.

Now on the internet.

But since I'm not a Japon student, I only had to use the phone, so I called.

Then, I received an e-mail from the prefecture polis near my ward inviting me to attend, and apparently I could go through the process of reissuing a new card.

By the way, this card is surprisingly expensive...

I've been using it for 10 years, so I think I paid over 200 euros the first time.

My friend in Italy said it cost about 20 euros.

The girl in Belgium wasn't even 20 years old, but I think the price was about half that of Paris.

The amount seems to vary depending on the card title and country of origin.

I feel like it's different when it's not Paris. This is just the price in Paris.

This time it's a reissue, so I don't know how long it will take, but I'll give it a fair estimate.

This may also be covered by the insurance that comes with your bank card!

And next, attack carte vitale!

For the average person, it's called secu, which comes from a name like assurance maladie familial.

Self-employed and freelancers like myself use secu from a place called ram, which is the same but slightly different.

Go to this RAM website and print the PDF listed in the column in case of loss or theft.

If you fill it out and send it to the place you are in charge of, you will receive a reply with photos and instructions on how to proceed, and if you send it again, you will receive a new one.

However, before filing a report with secu for the general public, there seems to be a procedure to first block it like other cards.

Do I have to block myself? I thought so and started searching, but I couldn't find anything like that.

``Is it okay?'' I said and posted the notification directly.

I'll need to take a lot of photos on the way to drop off the post, so I'll take some. I put on a little makeup and went out,

The only machine nearby is out of order. This is also common. . .

By the way, it seems like I've seen an ID photo machine, but surprisingly I can't find one.

Here, too, you can feel the flow of time.

The rest is the paper I received from the police and the receipt for the stolen smartphone. . I can't send it because I don't have it, but

I'm planning to send it to the insurance company tomorrow.

A series of tasks that I completed from last night until today.

There's still some work to be done,

This is a long, long memorandum because there are many cases where the method here is wrong.

But what I can say is that

If something happens, first call your bank and block the card and stop the calls. While doing so...

Go to the police!

In my case, my house keys were also stolen, so there were a lot of ridiculous gestures.

Ah, can you ship it tomorrow? I feel like somehow things will turn out okay.

I'm tired so I'm going to sleep!

! ! ! ! ! ! postscript! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!

More at a later date.

June 20th

To my surprise, a new card had arrived!

I was waiting for a gold card and a regular card, but the regular one arrived before the gold one.

At this point, I realized once again that even though gold doesn't have a lot of shine, it is worth paying more for gold.

Today I went to get a haircut that I had booked a while ago, and we talked about it at the time.

“It happened to me too, so I totally understand.”

``Tuka, you've experienced something like that, right? There are very few people who haven't experienced it.''

What a country!

This morning, when I was looking at my Japon card statement,

A little over 3,000 yen, or about 23 euros? ? There is a use for it, and it is not my own.

The date is the same day, so there is evidence that the card was used before you stopped it.

In France, you can make purchases up to 30 euros without using a code, just by swiping your card.

Moreover, it says SC franprix, so

He probably knew the address and had the key, so he was probably coming to my house. (He ransacked the house again.)

Yeah, it's going in the wrong direction, but it's capable of working even if it's shit. You can move.

why don't you work? ? ?

Seriously, people who steal things on a daily basis and say, oh, you can just take it if you want it, are assholes.

Life is not worth living if you are worse than a cockroach!

There is no effect on the biosphere even if it is not there! !

People like Mouse Boy and others who steal from bad guys and scatter money around are heroes.

June 20th

I received a convocation from Prefecture Police in my email.

(Convocation letter for carte de sejour reissuance procedure)

I was a little worried about this,

This is because, even though we take rendez-vous on the internet these days,

Even for immigrants, students can get their title cards online, but they can get their title cards over the phone.

The person on the phone looked exactly like a bean sprout...no, I can't see it because it's a phone call, but it's definitely true!

What are you doing? Your voice is so loud. There are some weird pauses, so I don't know if it's getting through.


"I'll send you a convocation."

"Huh? Where??"

"on mail."

“Do you know my email address?”

“Oh, tell me.”

It was an exchange like that,

Even if you give the address, it's a mystery whether it's being conveyed correctly or not.

However, I received an email this morning, so I was relieved.


I even received a SIM card for my phone! ! !

As usual, the other gold card is still missing. .

To start the phone,

Put a new SIM in your phone

When you go to your account on the contracted site,

Phone calls have now been stopped.

The screen below says ``Do you want to restart?'' As it says,

Therefore, oui

Then, you will be asked to enter the 20-digit number written under the SIM.

If you put that in. .

Your number has been reactivated!


However, the most important phone calls are still out of range.

It may take some time before you can use it.

It said, so I'll wait for a while ← Here it is.

If this works successfully, send the letters and numbers you received when your bank card was stopped via SNS so that you can restart your bank card.

After that, the card number was sent back to me.

Take that and use the card for now, and that should be the real reboot.

For now, I'll wait for the phone number to be restored!

June 22nd

I was able to use the phone without any problems the day before.

However, since it's an old phone, I can't restore apps etc., and I'm sure the battery has deteriorated strangely.

I think I bought a new one because I couldn't go out with him. That smartphone is back again! For now, I only use it for calls.

(The capacity is also unusually small)

The gold card was also in the mailbox when I left, so I went out and collected it.

Then, collect the new code using your smartphone.



However, when I make my next payment, I can no longer use my card. . .

June 24th

Despite the new card, one card remains unusable on Saturdays and Sundays.

Due to incredible stress, fatigue reached its maximum,

To my deceased mother,

``Actually, I've hated you for a long time, haven't I? I've never thought that I love you. I didn't say it because it was hard to say,'' she said.

I have very sick dreams. . .

I called the bank again and...

When I activated my first card, I was about to make a large purchase soon after, so

It seems that the bank's security was activated and it was blocked. ←I had it released.

I received an email from carte vitale saying that the documents I sent had been successfully processed and that I would receive the necessary documents for the next step within 72 hours.

We estimate that it will take about three weeks for a new card to be made.

I can't go to the hospital for the time being.

Anyway, since I keep pulling out my old smartphone, I can't use the contents I used to use, which is quite inconvenient.

Even I am like this, but what do people who use Apple Pay and all their lives with one smartphone do?

At times like this, I suddenly think.

What did you do when you didn't have a cell phone? ? ?

Well, most important procedures were completed the next day, so

I don't really care anymore because it's a detailed procedure right now.

Oh, by the way, will you refund the amount that was fraudulently used on my Japanese card?

I wasn't asked at all.

Let's inquire about this too before too much time passes.

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