Hello! ! ! !
I have to write this down now. .
Before it becomes an article about Italy.
So last week, I actually went to a circus in the North Male area.
I wasn't there to see the circus, just my usual patrol.
It's my first time to come here, and I've always wanted to come here someday.
That's what I thought.
I haven't been to a circus in Japan since I was little, when my mother took me to the circus with Monchhichi in hand! ! ! !
It's surprisingly spacious inside (and hot...)
The glare unique to the circus will excite you! ! !
Finally, I bought a French ryuda starvation bon bon.
And last Sunday.
do you remember? ?
A while ago, I went to a friend's house and the cherry blossoms were blooming.

It's that tree! ! !
Right now, it was turning into a cherry.
After returning from patrol, I went cherry picking.
It's strange that even though flowers similar to Ojapon were blooming, cherries like American cherries are growing.

However, it was delicious!
In fact, I still have it at home because I took a lot of it.
Well then, I have to go to bed early so I don't miss tomorrow's plane.
(already 1 o'clock)