
I lived for excursions. (went)

It's been a long time this past week

It's summer in Paris, and the temperature is rising.

This is also a fleeting summer. . Because we know that

I have to go somewhere!

I felt the same urge as I did Zumba the other day,

I went on an excursion.

The destination is Chartres, an hour from Paris.

For some reason, I had never been there until now,

I went there thinking, “This is it!”

I was quickly checking the train times,

I missed it because of one foot wrong. . Waited for an hour for no reason. .

That's how clumsy it is.

On the way, this again had no meaning (well, there was a meaning)

The train stopped,

After that, the train that ran like it was trying to make a comeback also arrived.

Even though many people got off at the station,

It was a completely empty town.

There were a lot of people inside the cathedral. . .

For some reason, there aren't as many people coming as the city expected.

From the city's perspective

"Oh no, it's okay if a lot of people come."

I looked over my shoulder...

A tingling impression. (only me?)

For now, with a new phone

I took a picture like a modern kid!

Below are the wall statues that I have been persistently taking pictures of.

It is said to be from the 12th century.

big cathedral,

Expanding, repairing, etc. are repeated over and over again.

There were also a lot of things from the 12th century onwards.

Hehehe. .

When you go out the back side, it looks like it's actually built on a hill.

A pleasant breeze.

I felt comfortable with the lack of people and the quietness.

“Next time I’ll come with Love~” he said again to himself.

Just by going outside and walking a little, it feels pretty deserted.

If you go a little further, you will see a slightly newer church. .

However, it was in 1800. .

I also liked the colorful feel.

Not by the way, but

Also a preview of the next time.





Seriously old Toile de Jouy.

We are planning to introduce four haggis!

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