Last week's story.

It's a week late, but last week I took a day trip to Normandy.

Just for a few hours. .

This is because recently, I have been on my own territory (without permission).

I started seeing Asian people (suddenly...)

I was a little bored, so I decided to go somewhere far away.

However, it was extremely windy and rainy all of a sudden, and even though it was a large city, by mid-afternoon everyone had cleaned up or went home, which made me feel a little dejected.

There is no TGV line in Normandy, so the only way to get there is by regular express trains.

The more I arrived the day before, the more I didn't have the energy or the money to catch the first train of the day.

However, it departed at 8:45. Late!

Because of this, I thought about the time to go home. .

If you miss the afternoon train, you won't be there until 4pm. .

It's a lonely city like this, and you can't enter until 4pm.

So, I quickly took the train back in the afternoon. Stayed for about 2 hours.

I thought this bad weather was due to Normandy, but...

When I returned home, I noticed that it was raining like a storm in Paris.

My friend was drenched from the sudden rain and smelled like sweat from all the running, and said it felt like home.

I laughed because I could imagine it.

Come to think of it, I was forced to complete a strange questionnaire on the train on my way there and back. .

This survey is so long! And Mendokusai.

Generally, I think that in Japan, questionnaire surveys are not designed to take much time.

The back and front of the sheet is packed as shown in the photo.

"How did you get a ticket for this train?"

"where is your destenation?"

“What means of transportation will you use from your arrival station?”

“Would you like to use the dining car?”

Toka Toka.


And why do I have to take this back and forth? ?

If you say, ``I did it, but...'', they'll say, ``The destination will be reversed, so try again!''


This area feels off-topic.
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