それでも俺は行く .FR a l'epoque

Still I'm going!


It's getting really cold these days, making it difficult to travel by car.

Even so, whenever the sun comes out even for a little while, I think, ``Wow, it's a great day for a bike ride'' and rush out to get in touch with the outside world.

I have extremely low blood pressure to begin with, so I find it increasingly difficult to get up in the morning.

If I leave it alone, I think I can live in my futon 24 hours a day.

I thought that if I continued like this, I would become even more of a bad person.

At such a time? ! ? ! I went out on patrol on my bike at the time I thought I would.

When I was at a traffic light,

Suddenly, half of my face felt warm, and a second later,


Pigeon droppings at the traffic light bar! ! ! !

"Pigeon droppings! Poop! From the head!"

There's poop on my head! !

I felt disappointed and panicked,

Disappointed with my fate.

The pigeon's fresh, warm poop spilled over my hat, covering half of my face, and even the knitted fabric underneath.

We're fucked! . I'm no more. .

Is this a warning not to proceed?

I thought about various things in an instant (probably for about 5 seconds, but humans are amazing - you can see how much thinking they can do in a day)

I wiped the feces off my face,

“My face is terrible, but no one really looks at other people’s faces.”

I'll move on! ! !

Covered in feces, he goes on patrol.

in the middle,

``Did people in the past use paint to keep warblers' droppings clean?''

Halfway through, I tried to force myself to agree, but

While on patrol, I received a phone call from a friend and was telling him how I got covered in feces.

"Aaah, it's the worst! It's happened two or three times. It's the worst. Wipe it well, they have a lot of germs."

Ah, that's right. Pigeons in Paris sometimes eat the remains of kebabs that have fallen on the street, or something like gebo. . .

It's a completely different species from the old warbler. . .

When I got home, I quickly scrubbed my face.

10285 Up on December 1st

10258 Up on November 22nd

10295 December 5th up

We are doing a trailer on Instagram.

If you follow me, it will be very motivating.

thank you.

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