Era Bing Bing.

I'm sorry for saying this every time, but...

What happened at the gym

Or rather, what I thought...

It feels like the times...

What about the contents of this drawer?

About Zumba the other day.

In fact, since I tend to get bored easily, I've already gotten tired of Zumba.

However, there are no other opportunities to move like this and work up a sweat,

I'm rushing through it.

On this day too, I was even more strangely looking at my hands,

I tried to tighten my waist,

I tried to make the movements even more intense. (only me)

Then, I suddenly realized,

The girl dancing next to me has really big breasts! ! !

Are you an old man? That's what I'm talking about,

Well, well, please stick with me until the end.

Moreover, since she was wearing a camisole,

I wonder if there is already a “Porori”

I was so scared.

Maybe it's because I look through the mirror too much,

Note: I was watching this out of concern. I wasn't expecting a prank .

Before I knew it, I was wearing a T-shirt over it!

Looks like it was good. . Sounds like a disappointment. .

Today was a fitness class called A/T.

During the final stretching,

Hook your foot on the opposite calf,

Cross your hands and pull the opposite hip,

Once you're in a position where you stretch out your opposite hand and stretch your armpit...

yeah? ?

What is this? ? ?


I tried it through the mirror,

One person said it was ``somewhat funny.''

This is France. (Not to mention, is it possible to get through in Japan now?)

No one responded. .

Well, that's why the contents of the drawer are

I feel old-fashioned, and I am truly becoming an old man.

Incidentally, the title ``Binbin'' is also full of that element.





White Day's return day is

I really thought it looked very Japanese.

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