生き物 .FR a l'epoque

living things

Written as living things,


It is read as.

Last week, someone diagonally below the same building passed away.

The stairs had been in a bad condition for quite some time, and all the residents talked about it, called the police, and it was discovered.

I was going to a bar with my friends that night.

When I got back, there were a lot of police waiting, and the window had been broken through.

I sometimes see it on TV, but I never expected it to happen near me!

At the same time,

Ah, it's possible.

It's very possible for me too.

At the same time I thought,

Humans are nothing.

When the body stops working, it quickly rots. .

It's written as raw material, but it's a living thing, and it's truly a living thing.

Also, there's nothing particularly scary about it,

I pray that your soul may rest in peace.

You can make a lot of money just by being alive (by Sanma)


Even if you don't like it, you can still make money~

The other day, I came back from an early morning patrol, and in the evening,

sleepy. . I think I'll go to sleep.

Just then, a friend invited me to a cafe and I decided to go out right away.

There were friends of friends there, and then acquaintances came and left, and then new people came.

There are many coincidences,

Before I knew it, I ended up going to see a play for free.

And today, I don't know why, but the movie cost 4 euros for 3 days at Ohura! Because we are discounting the threat of

Go see it!

I went to see it yesterday too! !

Well then.

It was a disjointed sentence.

Number 9470

Number 9475

No. 9486

Around today (today's date, March 20th), I've been feeling a bit like clothes.

There are things you can wear in early spring! now! ? There are things, but

Please come and take a look.

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