There will be no internet environment! ! ! emergency. + Year-end and New Year schedule

It's Noel!
How are you all having a good time?
Is it sparkling?

My life has been far from that for several decades now. . .

Aside from that preface, as I specified in the notice column,
Starting today, all of a sudden my internet connection (phone, etc.) disappeared.
I hurriedly called the operator...

"It's normal because everyone's line is out due to construction right now. It feels like two days."

Said Sara!

After all, it's France.

Say it! First! ! ! !
No advance notice! ! ! ! !

It felt like that until the very end. .

Since we have set a deadline of 26th,
Especially at times when quick action is required.

Since the free access is not working, I have no choice but to go to the cafe with my paso.
“Do you have wifi?”
I ask around and rush to the cafe to check and respond to emails, orders, etc.

Really, as always, there are so many things that are completely impossible in Japan, and I'm serious (I mean "serious").
I get irritated.

To those who have just contacted us, settled their accounts, and placed their orders:
Response may be delayed during the critical two-day period.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Even if there is a delay in replying, we will definitely reply to you. thank you.

Here is the last digression for this year. .
I was stopped by a white motorcycle the other day.
On a bike.

A white police officer was waiting just beyond the traffic light.
After I stopped myself, I said, ``Yes, 90 euros.'' ``You ran a red light, and you're wearing earphones.''

No, no,
It's true that I tended to look like I was ignoring a traffic light, but
Because I was blue! ! !
As usual, pedestrians start walking before it turns green.

Well, no matter what I say, when I say white, it's Shiro. Black means black.

After we talked for a while, I made a wait gesture and went somewhere.
Feeling anxious, I sneaked away.

I have to be more careful from now on! ! ! !

Sorry, Police.
To be honest, I'm always grateful for times like this, but I still find myself feeling a little irritated.
No, to myself.

Probably, even if you look at all of Paris, there are probably not many people who will be stopped by a police motorcycle on a bicycle.
A truly rare case.

I usually encounter such rare cases. . (By the way, this is the second time)

From here, the remaining plans for 2015 to early 2016.

At the same time as the deadline for orders for domestic shipping, we will end this year's new product upload.
It will start from January 10th.

The site itself is operating as usual.
I will be away from the product side from December 28th to January 22nd.
You will no longer be able to perform tasks that require direct access to products, such as recalculating shipping costs for shipping, inquiries, and consolidation.

For customers who ordered after the domestic shipping date, the order will be shipped after January 21st, so please do not rush to make the payment and take your time.


Preparations are underway for new products starting January 10th.
It will appear on the site from January 10th, but we will be introducing the photos on Instagram, so
Please take a look when you have free time! ! ! !

Thank you very much for your help this year.
thank you

Thanks to all of you, we were able to survive in 2015! ! ! !
We look forward to your continued support in 2016.

I hope you have a great new year's eve.

No. 7247

Number 7257

No. 7264

thank you.

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