Wiggle resumes.

It was snowing today!

It hasn't piled up, but it's been snowing all day.

It's quite cold.

I feel sorry for the people who are sightseeing at times like this. .

The other day, my friend was exchanging money with a friend using traveler's checks.

In fact, when you try to exchange money at the bank afterwards,

No one at the bank knows how to handle it!

I found myself in a situation like this.

Well, in the past, even if you had a card, you couldn't actually withdraw money.

This so-called ``T/C'' was probably useful when there was not much to do, but now it is said that it is rare to see a bank employee.


Are all the bank employees there idiots? . (Ah, sorry.)

However, even now, I believe that banks' currency exchange offices still offer cash and T/C rates.

That means...

Is it the latter? French banker. .

When I first landed in France,

Most of the money was brought in T/C.

It's safe.


Everyone, it's OK to use T/C when shopping because it's a good deal and it's safe, but if you're with friends, it can be a hassle, so please refrain from doing so!

That was some useful information.




Currently, new products are uploaded every day at 10pm.

For those of you who previously followed me on Twitter,

I forgot to follow you, but

Tama (seriously, Tama) also tweets the date of the upload preview.

It's not a loss of followers! ! !
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