I just keep writing about serious things.

! Because the content is sensitive, I revised the wording the day after I wrote it. !

My knees are really shiny. When I was sitting there after taking a bath, I noticed that my knees were smooth and smooth, and I noticed that I looked young! Approximately 5cm in diameter.

Well, I like the story about myself, where only the top part of the knee is pitchy (the part below the knee is pitch black), but as usual I tried to write a story that didn't matter at all, but I just wrote the beginning and left it alone, and then the hula thing got really weird. was.

I'm sure you've all seen it on the news, but in the wake of the shooting death of a young boy in the suburb of Nanterre, vandalism and robberies have continued across France.

Honestly, when you're in Paris, you don't see that much of what you see on the news screens. The only thing is that I feel like I see more police cars driving away at full speed than usual, and that trams and buses don't run after 9pm. So, I thought that I didn't really have the right to express my personal opinion on such matters, but the fact that I said things like ``Antique from France'' was really just an appearance, right? It felt like a magazine cover with more than half of it covered in advertisements, so I decided to tweet about it on my blog.

Just my personal opinion.

It's been 21 years since I started dancing. During that time, there have been numerous incidents such as the gilet jaune, large-scale demonstrations against pensions, large-scale demonstrations by civil servants that resulted in no transportation for several weeks, and terrorist attacks.

I've never been in any kind of danger because of this kind of relationship, but when there were terrorist attacks, I felt a lot of anxiety and fear.

This time, the trigger was the shooting death of a young boy, but now it seems that anything has happened as a reaction to what has been building up over the years. In fact, it appears that more than half of the population wants the military to be dispatched.

In France, I only know Paris, but somehow it seems like there is a separation between people, and even where I live, the other side of that big road is North Africa. When you get to the other side of the road, the atmosphere changes completely.

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I think it's necessary for both of us, or rather, it's inevitable.

Hmm, I can't really get to the point. .

When you go to the metro in Paris, there are always people on the metro who ask everyone for coins and say, ``I don't have a place to live. I don't have a job. I have a child. Please help me.'' If one person leaves, others will come. When you get off the platform, you see people who live there, and when you go to the ground, you see people who live on the street.

That's true everywhere, even in rich neighborhoods.

Those people may look like they're alcoholic, or they may look normal, but they may be physically injured by the mafia (they don't have legs or hands), and in the end, they get paid for their money. I see some people using it as a tool to collect. It's hard to watch at times, but I also pay a hefty amount to the government every month through social security, but that money is used for activities that help the weak (even though I'm also weak). Except for the people listed at the end, except for those who have completely failed, if you go to a support organization, you can actually receive a monthly allowance and a roof over your head (supposedly).

France claims to be a country of freedom, so it accepts people who ask for help, but in reality, people come to France, take advantage of the support system mentioned above (apparently for the purpose of getting paid), and work. There are people who have more money than me and are living well even though I don't have much money. There are many cases where people who say such things are discriminated against.

I'm telling you, it's not everyone, it's just some people who can see it. And I know that each person has their own process to get there.

I heard a while ago that the northern part of England was crowded with immigrants, but recently it seems that the same situation is happening in large cities and their surrounding suburbs as well. Yes, on the other side of the street in Paris, this kind of situation is happening all over France.

I often heard this during terrorist attacks, but it seems that many of the people who commit acts of vandalism are second- and third-generation immigrants, and those who left their home countries were at first trying to make a serious living. However, it seems that children who have experienced discriminatory treatment and have witnessed such behavior suddenly accelerate and resort to violent acts, depending on the age.

I'm writing in a sloppy manner, but

In other words, there is something historical about the events that led up to them, and there are almost always people behind the scenes who are running business and political thinking behind them.

That being said, I think it's indiscriminate that even unrelated people are getting involved.

I'm sure there are no unrelated people among those who go to the extent of sabotage.

People who turn a blind eye are also enemies, and what they are literally doing to the world.

So, this is what I was thinking after writing this down...

discrimination? Why does discrimination occur? ? Those who perceive it as discrimination begin to insist on it, and this develops into reverse discrimination as an act of opposition to discrimination.

In the first place, if people had different cultures and religions, their lives would be different, and no one cares about the color of their skin these days.I think it's the differences in ways of thinking that arise from differences in culture and religion that become a barrier. Hey. So even though we can help each other, there is no one who helps and the other who is helped, I think they are equal.

So, I think it's impossible for them to mix together in the first place. I think segregation is necessary. I don't think it's "discrimination", it's "distinction". For each other. Mutual aid can only take place within a commune where trust is established, and there is no money or political agenda behind it, and if that is not the basis, it will surely explode somewhere. Yo. It's Bokan.

↑I think there are many people who are not satisfied with the words of discrimination and distinction here.

Since it is a distinction, it is not a case of ``It can't be helped that they are not able to work and are oppressed,'' but if France could also accept them, it would be better to treat them only as a labor force for menial labor. I don't agree with it at all, and I don't understand why they should use it, because it doesn't give them a "place."

It is completely counterproductive to resort to violent acts without slogans like this one, and even more so, racial profiling (I just learned the word, so I want to use it all the time, and it causes problems when I see people of immigrant descent. There is a fear that this will be imprinted as a kind of imprint of fear of encountering something scary, and I think the rift will only deepen further.

As for my case, it's on a much different scale, but I've had a few bad experiences in the metro, such as pickpocketing and pickpocketing, and sadly, 100% of them have been by immigrants, to be honest. Also known as racial profiling.

I talked about this a while ago, but as a country, we're doing hula for immigrants, and everyone (not just a pair of shoes) is wearing sneakers? Apparently, I gave him a pair of shoes as a gift, but he replied, ``I don't want these tacky shoes. I prefer Nike or Adidas'' (I don't know the details), so I ended up buying more expensive sneakers and of course paying the difference in taxes. . And everyone was angry.

Okay, so that's the story, but I don't understand it for some reason,

I think this time too, the roots are deep. The boy who died didn't have a driver's license and almost ran over someone on the way, and I heard he was already on the watch list, but it's perfectly acceptable to shoot him to death. isn't it. This is the view of a quiet immigrant who continues to be differentiated, believing that children's education is directly connected to society. I'm worried about Japon's future. . I don't think it was a fire on the opposite shore.

Please let us know your opinions.

Huh. I wrote it for a long time. . tea. tea.

! The photo was taken when I accidentally encountered the front line of gilet jaune. A few minutes later, I was hit with tear gas and burst into tears!

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