Eco is just a name. It might be a sequel to the previous one.

My eyes are dull.

Is it age, season, or fatigue? .

Hmm, I'm sure she's `` years old'' overall, no doubt about it.

Half of this year has passed in the blink of an eye. It's surprisingly fast. Especially this year, maybe it was unnecessary because I had been carrying out a big plan since the end of last year.

Even after moving the site, I still haven't mastered it. Is there anyone who understands this properly? The management side too. Or maybe it doesn't apply to me because I run an irregular site?

I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused to you all.

Speaking of management...

At Ofura, we hear news about inflation every day,

This is so serious that I'm surprised. I don't know exactly when the comparison started, but (because there are so many sauces), the price of basic flour, bread, etc. has increased by 20%, and the price of electricity, gas, gasoline, etc. has increased by 40%!

That's 40%! ! ! ! ! Yeah, yeah, seriously

When I say serious, I mean seriously!

I thought inflation was when prices went up and the value of money went down, but it doesn't mean wages are going up, so I wonder what this means. . Japan is deflationary, right? Still. And the yen is weak.

If she were a smart girl, she would probably be able to come up with various countermeasures at this point, but she was already faced with too many obstacles, so she stopped thinking about it and decided to give it a black eye or a white eye.


I just want to turn a blind eye to all kinds of troublesome things until they pass.

As in the title and last time, eco is a business and is never really eco. However, the world situation is one of the main reasons why prices have risen so much, but behind the scenes, people are making and selling the least eco-friendly weapons, not abandoning them, and making profits. I can't see how he's getting caught up in the world for the sake of people he wants.

At times like that...

If everyone in the world didn't participate in something like that, then it wouldn't work. Isn't there a way to break away from the way the world works?

If anything, I think I'm a bit of an outcast from the beginning, but I can't really get over Instagram either.

In the end, I always just do what I can and be myself.

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