Sainara meeting

The other day, I went to see a theater as I was invited.

For someone like me who doesn't have enough French language skills, a theater is a no-brainer! !

This time too, I ended up throwing away my expensive euros. .

There are seats available, so why don't you go? ?

Although it was nice to be told that, the price was 32.50 euros.

Why go there even though you don't understand everything? It's the ultimate debauchery.

I try to avoid watching English-speaking movies with French subtitles as much as possible.

(After all, even though I can't speak English, at that fast speed,

Even if it's written in French at the bottom, it's like "Huh? De???")

Anyway, this is a theater that is very good at speaking.

(How many times do I have to say it's a theater?)

What the heck! ! ! ! ! ! !

For example, a foreigner who can speak a little Japanese in everyday conversation,

It's like suddenly going to a comedy concert.

Oh, Dave (Spectacle) is amazing.

Although I refused once,

For some reason, I looked at the title and it seemed like it would resonate with me right now.

I went to try it out.

From the results,

I was fed up with the number of parties where people were just hanging out.

A couple has a Last Supper-like meal to sort out their friendships.

It's called having an adyu party,

The name is "un diner d'adieu"

I thought this was a real habit, but

It was just a story here. .

We somehow contacted each other, and we met up, but we had the usual conversation.

They meet up as usual, target their token friends who can no longer be considered true friends, and hold fêtes (so-called parties).Fre people love this so much that they do it all the time. .

Of course, some people will get tired.

Aju! why,

Memories of the target, such as things received as a present,

I casually play that person's favorite music,

I prepared a wine for that person's year of birth,

Well, I'm talking about the setting at this theater.

Still, it feels somehow real.

Especially recently, it's like I've only had superficial relationships with French people.

Because I was tired of it.

When I talk to people about this topic,

I always say, "Parisians..."

From my point of view,

What kind of people are Parisians referring to? ? I think.

Anyone living in Paris? Are you someone who lives there and is dyed?

Or just a native Parisian? ? and.

I think most of the people who live in Tokio are people who came from the countryside.

I think it's the same in Paris.

No, I think cities are the same in every country, not just Tokyo or Paris.

I don't think this is a Paris-specific story, but I like fête.

I felt that this was especially true for the French people who did not listen to what other people had to say.

In the middle of the story, the purpose of the fête is revealed to the target,

After a big fight, our bond grew stronger.

We promised to meet more often than before, and we were very happy.

The content was,

There are detailed phrases, detailed gags (?maybe), etc.

I don't understand at all. .

After all, it was an act of suicide, or rather, an act of self-satisfaction as a master. .

Oh, Kent Delicat, Bobby, I respect you!

Especially Dave! ! God, Dave.

The one who understands the laughter of that country is the god of seriousness! !

Anyway, I laugh at everything. French people.

Plant some cherry blossoms, please? ? The more I think,

I'm not exaggerating, but I laugh out loud once every 10 seconds.

Even if I were as good as Dave,

I don't have the confidence to laugh that much.

There's no genre I'd like to see in Japon, but (maybe)

Is the theater that is called comedy similar to that? ?

So, as long as everyone is laughing, everything is fine!

I looked at it all together.





good night.
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