That's what I think!

Lately, I've been looking at my shop, or rather my room, and I've been thinking about this.

My hobbies are biased.

Things have been increasing rapidly, and I moved into this room last year, but it already seems like it's 1.5 times bigger than it was back then. .

When I was moving, I was told, ``This luggage is going to be a pain.''

When I came to this house, I thought, ``Wow, I've got a little more space.''

I was happy for a short time.

“Small! The place is so narrow!”

It has become.

And rather than looking for things that will sell, I put myself first in purchasing, thinking, "It's something I want to buy!" (I don't know if it's okay to write about this on a shop blog, but...)

In the end, I'm biased.

As you can see, when it comes to accessories, I think of animals, especially birds.

"Plant" things. And there are many things that open and look into.

Those are the ones.

Also, the metal and shabby wood feel. Rust.

Ah, now that I think about it, I guess the race is a little off. .

I don't think this way of doing things will change in the future, so I'm sure that the customers who come to visit us will inevitably have the same tastes as Nita. (Oh, I wrote it in letters)

Those who have already used it several times are already on this side!

Actually, I like the clumsy look more than the delicate look.

Everything I wear this time of year is kind of similar!

It's blurry, but from the left: Atelier coat (men's), Atelier coat (ladies), Military (still a research student in the Netherlands)

But secretly, when I'm wearing this coat and a local person reacts to it, I think, ``This guy knows!''

And, on today's patrol, I was drawn to this cup and bought it...

Yes, the top and bottom are different things. It's not a set.

At first, I was drawn to the clumsily hand-drawn floral pattern on the cup and asked, ``Where's the saucer?'' and she answered, ``No.''

Then he said, ``If you buy it, I'll put this saucer on it.''

I said, "What about the cup?"


And I said, “Okay, I don’t know anything about it, but I like it!!”

That's why I bought it.

Well, there will be more weird things.

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