I will be on a business trip from August 8th to 18th.

As revenge for my last trip with 1kg of plums,

I will go on a business trip patrol to southern France, which is becoming an annual tradition.

The period is from August 8th to 18th.

During this period, we will not be near the product, so

``Inquiry'', ``Shipping'', and ``Recalculation of shipping charges'' that require the actual product.

We will contact you regarding other duties as soon as we return.

Also, for those whose storage period ends within this period,

8 days in advance, you can complete the transaction until shipping, or

It will either be shipped after the 18th.

If you would like to do so, please contact us.

I wish there was something this time. . .

==== From here, I started writing my diary. =======

I've been suffering from a summer cold since last week.

And really suddenly! Suddenly! ! !

"Hey? Do you have a fever? Aya? I can't stop coughing."

Just like that.

Just an hour ago, I was at the cafe and was doing well. .

After that, my body felt tired (Joanne d'Arc)

As usual,

"Oh, I'm going to die in a foreign land?"

I think about a lot of things.

Being alone is scary.

I wrote something a long time ago,

If there is no reply to your email or if there is no new product uploaded for several days without notice,

There is a high possibility that something is going on, so

May I ask you to contact the French Embassy? ?

"Your condition is strange..." he said.

thank you.

Even so, I can't continue acting like a sick person forever! I thought,

Today, I took the plunge and went to the most intense class called Body Comba.

He's a guy who does things like 👊 and keli in time with the music.

In my case, it's like, ``I'm going to go punch the cat.'' .

As expected, I'm still not fully recovered,

Instead of being a cat puncher, he looked like an alcoholic old man.

Well, gradually. . Complete recovery. Hehehe.






The other day, I discovered wasabi chips!

It was wasabi. I finished eating while thinking, ``Oh, I want to eat wasa beef.''

By the way, even while I'm on a business trip, .FR a l'epoque is open as usual!

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