personal chronology

This is the content of my first blog in a while. . . sorry.

This is because for the past week, I've been barking on Instagram because I don't have an internet connection at home, and it's only during times like these that I think about various things.

I don't think it's limited to France, but living overseas may look good at first glance, but having fun while traveling and living there are two different things. Something happens that makes the depths of your balls go “Gah!!”. One difficulty passed, another one.

Especially since I'm a lonely single person, I feel like I'm fighting alone, Wakagi! (Well, that's fine)

When I get tired like this, I don't care about my appearance anymore, and I start to feel worn out. When I was in Japan, I always worked hard, so I thought back on this and wrote about it this time.

It's a personal matter, but I'll do my best.

Well, I started becoming obsessed with fashion when I was in junior high school.

Before that, I was a child who had never worn a skirt, wore overalls every day, and for some reason loved Snoopy. (I still like it that way)

Middle school students

High school days

olive period I love reading Olive.
Professional student era retro period

Making a second-hand clothing debut. If I remember correctly, I bought a flannel shirt at Harajuku Voice or a dress at Santa Monica. At the same time, when my aunt was young, she loved wearing clothes from the 1960s.

Freeter era grunge period

From around this time, I started liking foreign indie bands. But I also usually get into Nirvana, Red Chili, etc. I also liked London punk, and I also liked acid jazz.

Select shop era

Spoor period

(There was no such thing as Elle Japon or Vogue.)

I started working part-time at a select shop and became aware of brands. At that time, I tried my best to wear winter clothes before anyone else, and spring clothes before anyone else. Marc Jacobs has just landed, so I run to Isetan on the shoe sale day.

Wife: Working at a thrift store

European old clothes period↓

When I think about it, I decided to go to Paris because of this relationship from around this time and the fact that I had a base from the Olive period.

PTA period

I was aiming to make it flashy, and the only plain color I had was denim. He tried making 12 coats, layering patterns on top of each other. She was dressed like a PTA lady. Something with glitter.

Old clothes buyer era

Underwear ruffle period

A little in limbo

There were almost no second-hand European clothes, so I decided to go and check it out.

It still retains its former flashiness, but is gradually calming down. I was wearing a lot of what we would now call vintage clothes. The number of plain clothes has also increased.

independent era

Vintage chic, intentional

As I get older, I feel like my clothes have finally settled down and I'm starting to look more Parisian. But I guess I was a little flashy after all, and people sometimes talked to me on the street. He was wearing strange shoes and acting strange.

antique period

After becoming a single person, I wore antique lace for the first time and wore a lace blouse properly. It's in tatters though.

Antique + genuine vintage period

I would buy antiques, but sometimes I would cheekily wear Hermes or a CHANEL coat that I found at a bargain price. I think he was wearing leather shoes as well.

detection period

japon vintage period

Because of my job, I had a lot of used clothes, so I moved on to something that was easy to cut. I don't wear leather shoes anymore.

I like wearing vintage things from Japan.


Pajama period

Work start period

The same goes for the times, and I walk a lot because of my job, so these days I only wear sneakers.

I don't really care about my appearance, so I go around the neighborhood in my pajamas. Perhaps because I loved overalls when I was little, I still like combination work clothes.

So, things have changed over the years. In fact, I felt really calm. As I think about it, I can't help but feel like I'm already reminiscing about my childhood, wearing Snoopy and Olive sweatshirts at this age. ,,

Aaah, I forgot about the important Riboko era.

When I was running Isetan, I was buying everything on revolving credit and was in debt hell.

When I was a child of Ribo, I thought, "I can buy it! After all, there are magic cards."

And maybe if I had stayed in Japan, I would still be chasing new things. But basically from the beginning, I was wearing old clothes. and.

In my case, it's really literal

old. (tattered) clothes. (You can wear it if you don't mind) It's secondhand clothes.

I want to be able to wear a kimono every day someday. and.

! Ah, photo explanation.

The university gate near the most popular musee art et metiers.

It seems like this is a school where a lot of smart people gather, and someday people who will build airplanes and rockets will study there. From the beginning, I wanted to be attracted and smart. . (now)

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