
It hasn't even been a month since I came back. .

It already feels like it was only two or three months ago that I was in Japon.

Some kind of training? That kind of thing makes me feel like I'm growing a beard.

It's the end of January, but it was a month when we had a lot of visitors.

Meanwhile, the second patrol this year.

There is only one train per hour, so be careful.

No one was there, just one black cat.

“Hey, where are you from?”

"You're such a noisy stranger!"

This is where it disappeared.

I feel so lonely.

And Paris Fashion Week.

At this time of year, people gather in droves.

My friend from my last job in Japon also came here with his colleagues.

I'm tired, so I go to a cafe.

I drank it at Cafe Allonge.

It may be good for people who don't like espresso or who want to drink a large amount at a cheap price.

Literally, it means "cafe" and "lengthen".

It's diluted espresso.

If you want to drink American food in Paris, please try asking.
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