
It's about time.

It's already the Noel version of Paris.

Last weekend, I was patrolling pretty intensely.

I feel dizzy quickly,

As it happened, I took a rare walk to the Champs Elysées.

How many years has it been since I walked down this street at this time? ?

I don't think I have walked for at least 5 or 6 years.

(Even if there is a bike pass)

So, I did a proper Pasha Pasha ~.

Last year, I drove past and saw the illuminations, but...

It's exactly the same as last year. .

It's a blur, but Ega-chan.

Once again, there was a gap, but

This is a preview of the next time.

Thanks to your support, orders for domestic shipping for a limited time are also popular!

The baggage limit is currently around the turnaround point.

It depends on your order, but it looks like you won't be able to hold it until you double it.

I want to take some wine home with me too. .





There will be something a little different!

After the race, I go to the brocanto for clothes.

I want to eat eel! (It doesn't matter though...)
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