A stormy 2020! Looking back. Long sentence. not recommended

It's been a long time since I've been in the middle of a long time.

Day Joe.

It's already non-Joe.

That's fine.

If you lengthen the ending, the conversion will be weird, so it's okay.

Well, lately, I've been #complaining on Instagram, so I've stopped writing long articles and scroll series here.

After all, writing this long document takes up a lot of energy.

Well, it's just a story that doesn't have to be long. Don't ask anyone. That's it. Hehe.

This time it's been a while, so here's what I thought and what I came up with.

I would like to write down this.

This second French shutdown was really sudden.

I would like to say this (secretly, I admire this phrase. ``I would like to say it.'')

I don't like the word "lockdown" and it makes me feel a bit uneasy, so I'll say "closed down."

Why do you hate it? ?

(Honestly, I don't think there will be a lockdown in Japan.

However, I find it annoying that there are people who just want to make the coronavirus into an epidemic and use the phrase "lockdown". That's a good reason. )

I'm sorry for the voice in my heart that seems to be leaking out, and () appearing in it all the time.

At the beginning of 2020, there was a big grave, and transportation such as metros and trains were almost not operating.

I think it was a matter of retirement age for civil servants,

That's over (probably not resolved, still)

Just then, the coronavirus that had been secretly creeping up on me since the previous year came along and said, "Wow!"

Yes, they were behind it! He was creeping up on me, but I either didn't notice him at all or pretended not to notice him. As for France. I mean,

The whole world.

Or, even if they were aware of it, they took it lightly.

They're as big as brown bears. .

A brown bear was right behind me, wow! By the time this happens, it's already too late to pretend to be dead, let alone panic and say, "I'm wearing a mask."

That's why I said, ``Areyoareyo''

There was a first closure,

What was supposed to be two weeks turned into a month, and then a month and a half of this and that.

When it opens, everyone hurry up and enjoy your vacation~

Even though it was a hot vacation, everyone was wearing masks and having fun wandering around.

However, there were some differences compared to each year.

Depending on the location, masks may or may not be mandatory in some areas.

Around this summer, I feel like masks became compulsory in Paris as well on this street and in this area.


There's so much going on that I can't even remember summer anymore. .

Previously, in France, you could get a lot of stares if you wore a mask.

In France, wearing a mask is now the norm.

This mask problem was a big problem at first,

When I got on the TGV,

There were almost always mask disputes on buses, on the subway, etc.

Make sure no one is wearing a mask.

And when someone said, ``Please wear a mask,'' there were always people who got angry.

I was actually involved in this both on the TGV and at the hotel.

If you're against masks, that won't stop you, so don't ride the TGV! If you don't want to follow the rules, go to an area that doesn't have rules. I do not know the meaning.

By the way, on the train, there was a person who refused to wear a mask due to the mask issue.

I've also heard of people getting off the train in the middle of nowhere on a train running in the countryside.

Most of the on-site patrols that I look forward to every year have been canceled, and things have not been as usual.

Since spring, Brocanto has almost disappeared and I can't buy it at all.

↑This continues now and will continue in the future.

Yes, even during vacation.

The UK will suddenly close its borders in 48 hours! There was an announcement that

A British man who was enjoying his vacation threw everything away in a hurry, and the Eurostar was left in a mess! !

``Oh no, I won't be able to go home =========Hurry up!''

It's getting a bit colder and the new semester has started...

Before I knew it, we had decided to close again for the second time.

The coronavirus currently hitting Europe seems to be a new type, similar to Amuro, and is highly contagious.

New type. . . eye. .

Shortly before the shutdown, there was a terrorist attack on the outskirts of Paris that shocked everyone.

Even on the day of closure, in Nice, Lyon, and the suburbs of Paris,

Nowadays, France has become a target of terrorism due to friction caused by religious differences. .

What exactly is religion?

Isn't it something that will help you?

There's no teaching about hurting people, let alone killing them, right?

The original teachings are beautiful things.

Of course, I know that there are only a few extremists.

I don't understand why people feel like they're making fun of their own symbol, but...

If you think about it fundamentally

To the point where you are not afraid to take your own life or the life of someone else,

It is no longer a religion and feels like a dictatorship.

As a Japanese person, I can't understand this at all.

That's why France is in such turmoil right now.

It's been a long time since I wrote it, and it's a dark topic, so while I was writing it, I started to get a little confused.

I'm going to buy sweets~~~~~~

Actually, I was planning to write a shop schedule.

Here, I am exhausted.

I will write the shop schedule again.


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