KOMBU .FR a l'epoque


The other day, an acquaintance sent me a photo on social media and asked, ``Isn't this yours?''

There was something that looked like a brown ribbon in the picture,

without using it,


I replied, but this reply did not work at all for the French people! (That's right!)

To begin with, I don't know anything about kelp itself, and when I saw the brownish ribbon here,

Japonais immediately reminded me of that oden kelp,

“No way!” I thought, but...

Well, we have to consider not only the language, but also the culture.

As it turned out, it was a ribbon that came with her vintage dress, and apparently she had dropped it.

Lately, I feel like I'm getting warmer little by little, and I'm starting to be able to move little by little.

For some reason, I've always had a slight desire to get stronger, so I've been looking around for a dojo lately.

This time it was a short but good story.

No. 9382 Up on March 1st

No. 9385 Up on March 2nd

No. 9390 Up on March 4th

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