
Summary of the past 2-3 days.

From yesterday (October 22nd),

I'm sorry for the inconvenience and I can't upload it smoothly.

Lately, my head has been racing due to various circumstances, but


"Let's upgrade the OS"

Nice to meet you...

Since the last time he did that, things seem to have gotten worse.

in the first place,

I'm still using mac OS 10.5

Even though I have a package that allows me to go to snow leopard.

It stayed.

However, lately, I've noticed that some of my favorite plugins are

Since it is no longer supported,

this is! ! ! I thought I had to upgrade as well.

The reason I didn't upgrade to 10.6 was because I had heard rumors that there would be a problem with Photoshop.

(I thought I had heard that it would become unusable, so I thought, ``That's a problem!'')

Actually, there seems to be a slight problem, but it doesn't mean it can't be used at all.

At this point, I decided to take on the challenge.

However, since I do all my work on a computer,

If something were to happen to my computer, I would be in trouble ===

So I made two types of backups...

I tried to be frightened, but

It didn't go well,

Install it, go back with time machine,

Put it in again, try it in a different direction, put it back in...

was repeated.

Last night, let's go back to the leopard era once again! and

When I was using time machine,

It said "7 hours". .

I can't wait for 7 hours! ! !

So it became.

In the end, I decided to do a clean install,

I'm tired of initializing the hardware.

I'm not used to it, or rather, I don't know much about such things. .

After all, it's snowing at this point.

(Nowadays, lion is already available, so why is it snowing now?)


As expected, I can't use Photoshop. .

I tried to reinstall it, but I couldn't find the CD.

No matter how hard I search, I can't find it. . .

Why not give up and install new software? When I thought,


I can't do that ==! That price.

I gave up on Photoshop (I'm not good at using it anyway)

If you look for free software, it seems that there are many that can compete with Photoshop.

I was wondering why, but it seems like the only function I used, the ``action'' function, is missing. . .

Even though it's for that purpose.

It seems that the elements also have actions, so

When you install the trial version and open it,

It's like, ``I only want to do the actions you specify.''

This also didn't work.

It's not working properly, so when I uploaded it today,

I am unable to upload multiple images. . (Sorry again.)

No more! No good here either! So, it's really bad right now.

Does anyone know of any cheap software (preferably free) that has action functions similar to Photoshop? ?

Sorry for being so lazy today.

take heart. .






I hope that the issue of uploading multiple images will be resolved (someone will do it) soon.

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