JOYEAU-NOEL-年末年始予定 .FR a l'epoque

JOYEAU NOEL!! New Year's holiday schedule

Well, this year too, in the blink of an eye...

quick! too fast! ! ! ! !



Domestic shipping will also be closed by the payment confirmation deadline on the 25th.

For those who are on the last minute, we recommend paying with PAYPAL as it allows you to process and confirm your payment immediately.


From now on, new products will be uploaded until the 28th, and then we will take a short break.

The beginning of the year starts from January 10th.

To everyone who has placed an order for domestic shipping,

It is scheduled to be shipped at the end of the year and arrive around 2015.

The shipping email is the same as the regular French mail email content, so

The contents of the schedule are a bit strange, but

Please don't worry about that.

The administrator will be absent from the product side from December 27th to January 17th.

During this time, we will be closed for inquiries, shipping, etc. that require products.

We are open for business, so you can place your order.

If you place your order between now and January 17th, which is approximately before you return to France,

Shipping will be by French mail after January 17th.

We are always available to respond to emails.

It's a little complicated, but thank you for your understanding.


Last time, I wrote that my hips didn't fly.

After it was cured or not, I didn't use it.

I had a high fever all over my body,

Even though I waited, I couldn't go outside.

Even now, my feet are so dirty that I can't even see them.

what's with that! December 2014!


Well, it's okay to say something.

I'll accept it. I'll do my best to heal you. .

For some reason, I was stuck at home doing the ironing.

Add water, open the area you want to see,

Just like in the manga, the springs are crazy

It jumped out and broke.

what's with that! ! ! ! seriously! !

Sigh. .

Meanwhile, after a strained back,

Before the commotion, a date that looks like Noel! I've been doing this.

that's right. Located next to Place de la Concorde, at the head of the Tulery Gardens.

It's a Ferris wheel that spins strangely fast.

I wanted to see it just once.

To begin with, it was turning so fast that I was wondering when I would get on board.

Nothing happened, it rode for more than one lap and stopped about 2 weeks later.

About a quarter of the people were getting off.


It's small, but it's a little early,

I didn't realize it myself, but it seemed like I had a slight fear of heights.

I couldn't get close to the window. .

I hope everyone has a great time at Noel.

It's a little early, but thank you very much for this year.

We hope to see you again next year.

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