JE-SUIS-INVETE .FR a l'epoque


(There was a photo here at one point, but Mom requested that she was embarrassed.)


It's backlit so I can't see well. .

And it's broken. . Half partner, half dad, half mom.

In this photo, just a little. . However, my partner is actually quite good-looking.

(I'll never tell him though)

(There was a photo here at one point, but Mom requested that she was embarrassed.)

Delete part 2)


On this day, I was the only foreigner who took great care of me.

I was invited to a lunch party with my partner's family!

My partner and mom meet all the time. That niece is

When I'm on vacation, I go to his house and meet him.

And this time, it's my first time as a dad and my first aunt.

How much will you conquer your partner's family? . myself.

I eat a leisurely meal, but it's already noon and it's already like dinner.

That's France!

It's like table service and food.

Something like foie gras.

I really like it, but Japanese people can't eat a lot at once!

I find myself saying, “Give me some tea.”

But it's delicious.

When I took my seat, there was a small box of chocolates under my napkin.

A small present right away! I get excited.


Cooking from Luxouil, where my dad and aunt are from.

I forgot the name though.

It is said to be lamb that has been stewed for about 7 hours.

From the beginning, I had a big chore in my hometown of Luxoeil.

He showed me a newspaper article clipping,

“Look, it’s all burned.”

Papa speaks.

For some reason it's cheerful.

I gave myself a huge box of chocolates (luxury chocolates!)

I took it with me, but

Mom, my partner and I have prepared gifts for each individual.

I'm so impressed.

I'm thinking about it properly. Hehehe.

and partner.

Amazingly, you can use the steam to clean just about anything.

This guy is called Schwa. Mainly used to kill germs.

I went home right away, and my colleagues, Kuma and Tabby Cat,

And since I sleep on an antique blanket, I can use it as well.

In fact, there are too many "steam required" everywhere.

I used it like crazy! ! !

My mom gave me leather gloves, but when I opened them,

“Hmm? For kids??”

That's how small the size is.

"I'll exchange sizes."

So, I'll leave it to you this time.

Other than that, she remembered that at the auction the other day, she looked at the small box inside LOTS and said it was "cute."

Also a bonus in that box!

Wow, really, this family is in this year's Parotole.

The best bargain.

By the way, I went back to Paris in my aunt's car.

In fact, the aunt's friend was found murdered. .

I received a phone call.

It's an area of ​​Paris where the rich people live.

Apparently the helper discovered it.

Even though everyone is happy with NOEL,

It's so loud! It's so loud!

I thought.

It was a dark story, but

Thank you to all the hula people for being so kind to me!
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