Shocking footage, but no footage.

I saw a shocking video the other day.

In the first place, there are always pickpocket groups near my house.
They always come to work once around noon.
It's a group of about 5-7 people, mainly women, but occasionally there are a few men mixed in.

As is common, he always speaks in a loud voice.

Yesterday too, I was shouting something in a loud voice,
"It's really noisy," I thought as I looked out the window and noticed something different.
It looked like they were scrambling.

“Are we falling apart again?” ← I often see this too.

I thought so, but
It seems like the people they're scrambling with are tourists or something, not the army.

I think it's a scene where the mission was carried out, but one person was captured and was about to be teased.
Why is the captured woman screaming "*++`$')0=~&%$')!!!!!!" (I have no idea what she's saying)
And his friends have already escaped.

When I finally got caught
Oh my god!

The art of slipping through

I did it! ! ! !
He throws off the clothes he's being grabbed on and runs away naked from the waist up. . .
Of course I'm a woman, so I'm pretty worn out.

No way. I was kind of surprised. .

After that, when I went outside, the clothes I was wearing, my bra and sandals (I was also barefoot...) were lying on the street.

When I walk around a lot, I often find things like pants, shoes, etc. that don't look like they should have been thrown away as trash.
Surprisingly, it made me realize that everyone has a shocking history.

Number 7027

No. 7035

No. 7037

thank you.
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