One person discussion.


The day before yesterday, I briefly wrote about NHK.

Then, on the radio the next morning,

I heard some recent objections about NHK.

So, I'm having a solo discussion here that has nothing to do with it.

Rebuttal of rebuttal.

This is a completely unrelated story to .FR A L'EPOQUE, so

Please pass by.

The counterargument heard on the radio was

“NHK these days is just like a commercial broadcaster.”

“We only use talent.”

"Compared to the past, the announcer's speech seems a little weird."

And so on.

surely. .

But, but,

Since times have changed so much, isn't it okay to change? I think.

I don't care about the announcer's ~ at the end. .

Recently I have become more and more

-I'm from the country of chopsticks-

The mode is modern and old culture.

Once again, both are probable.

It's because I felt good! ! !

So, it's no surprise that NHK, the world's largest organization, is changing as well.

And not everything has been commercialized,

It shows its own unique color without being vulgar.

I think it's a documentary or a variety show.

In fact, the time when most of the radio listeners are elderly,

I think my opinion was biased.

I wrote down my heart's rebuttal.

-A colored nightmare, right? ? such a title

Has anyone seen the documentary? ?

I wanted to see it.

Apparently, it's a program that carefully colors and introduces black-and-white photographs that remain from the world's wars. .

By coloring, you can see what actually happened and how scary it is.

Realize. It seems that the content was.

I was seriously tweeting!

Well then.
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