14 juillet

I'm late, but...

July 14th.

It is the day of the French Revolution.

Today is Revolutionary Day and we have a good night.

There will be a parade and more!

I've never gone to see it. .

When I lived in my previous house, the sky was directly above the path of airplanes passing by, so I looked up from the window. .

So, since it's a holiday, it's our customary "patrol".

Brocan was completely gone. .

After this period, you will feel refreshed.

There wasn't anything special that day, but I decided to go anyway.

The weather was nice in the morning, but there was a terrible thunderstorm!

Yes, it's a thunderstorm! ! ! ! ! !

When I thought, “Ah, it’s black on the other side,”

Drop by drop, drop by drop,


The shower was really strong. (It has a massage function.

thick water)

Once this happens, it's all over. .

If I can't move and can't see, I'll just put it away and go home.

Everyone take shelter from the rain.

At night, everyone is shouting "Wow" and I can hear a thud, so I wonder if it's because of the thunder. I was thinking...

Ah, that's right! At night, there were fireworks at the Eiffel Tower.

I had completely forgotten even that.

2.3 years ago, I went to see the Eiffel Tower just once, and there were so many people!
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