This feeling.

It's getting really cold these days.

I'm still seriously holding off on wearing a winter coat, thinking it's going to get really cold.

Well, I'm not wearing a coat, but underneath...

Heattech, light down, a hoodie that seems to keep you warm.

Huge knit. It's so fluffy that it rivals a coat.

And when it gets colder, the color of the night changes a little.

It feels like a winter night.

The sun sets earlier, too.

Back in the Showa era, when you were playing engrossed in your neighborhood, the smell of dinner came from somewhere, and each household called out, ``It's time to eat!'' and everyone went home, saying, ``Oh, see, tomorrow.'' I remember that time.

However, perhaps because of this, when it gets even a little dark,

“I have to go home soon!!!” I think.

Still. .

picture! ! ! Still! ? (How old are you?)

It was during this time that I discovered Ohula alone in 2002. and,

It was dark because we arrived at night.

If I were to write about the details of my struggle, it would turn into a biography, so I won't write about it specifically.

The symbolic impression of when I was alone and feeling lonely was

It's the color of a winter night.


Unlike the dazzlingly shiny electric lights in Japan,

Even if the hula is on, it still feels a little vague and dim.

The light was a warm color, like orange.

I instantly remember feeling intimidated by that color.

When I came back at night, the scenery was still the same as before,

I feel like I don't feel as depressed as I did back then.

However, if you let your guard down, it will immediately come back to you.

There are many parts of the scenery that have changed,

The world situation has been changing at a tremendous pace over the past few years, but...

I mean, that's it, who and what is wrong with it?

Is it the fault of the few people who rule the world? ?

There's a lot of troubling stories, like the issue of the large numbers of migrants at the Polish border trying to enter the EU, decarbonization (which is definitely a political and business issue), terrorism, and the controversy surrounding it. If you worry about things like that all the time, your mood will be affected, so if you try not to listen to them every once in a while, you'll end up feeling like a peace idiot. The same goes for personal mental issues.

In the Showa era, when I was running around in my neighborhood, I wonder if there were adult situations like this? ? Well, I guess it was. But I don't think it was this serious.

No, I'm sure it was just as serious! I just look sexy because I have become that ``adult.'' .

When I look at the ``colors of a winter night'' in Paris, I think of all sorts of indescribable things and feel distressed.

(In 2002, when people on the street with beer in hand and smoking cigarettes looked like they were all spies, it looked like they were plotting something.)

↑Nowadays, people say things like ca va?, so I'm sure my views have changed as well.

In the video you watched earlier, if you imagine that the events from the creation of the earth until now were made into one year,

At around 11:55pm on the last day of December 31st, Christ was finally born. I remember it very well though. ,

So, in the end, I think it's best to make it fun for yourself.

I wonder if I am what I am because of everyone else, not just me.

Just looking at the scenery on a winter night makes me feel so nostalgic that I can't help but talk about it. Scary. .

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