
The days are getting longer and it's still quite bright even at 7 o'clock.

The other day, I went to a TORO Y MOI concert for the first time in a while.

Moreover, for the first time in a long time, I am not alone. . .

It's been a long time since I've had a tsure. . .

Looking back, it's been a while since I last went to a live show with someone.

Hmm, it's been 5 years?


A friend of mine said, ``We should go to our live show and have a good time,'' so somehow we decided to come up with a date that was close to ours.

I was looking to see if there was anything I could do,

TORO Y MOI is coming,

Well, I went there thinking I was in a bit of trouble.

I'm a friend with completely different hobbies, and all of a sudden I find myself doing things that I always do.

It's a little hard to understand (hmm, isn't it popular with the general public?)

I thought it wouldn't be fun to see it live, so I made the choice.

I haven't been there since 2011.

Well, it's just me, but in the beginning, I just jumped at it, but after that, I stopped following.

I'm off to the next one.

So, toro y moi is,

(Oh, I just realized this, but that's not the band name.

It's a solo unit. . )

And so did Chaz (his name), and he got sidetracked along the way.

To start with my impressions,

The excitement I had back then was gone. . .

Somehow, Rin didn't come out. .

Before that, it was The Garden, which was too loving, so I guess it's not enough. .

However, it was still an enjoyable live performance.

Best of all, the friends I went with seemed to be having fun.

As usual, I was seated at the front, so I even shook hands with Chaz at the end! ! ! !

I always thought he was the main character, but

When I found out it was a solo unit, I was satisfied.


Who? ? ?

(He seemed to be playing quite comfortably, so I was curious.

The shoulder is torn and the T-shirt is torn...I'm concerned.

I actually like it. )

Well, next week is the part time that I checked.

While looking at the schedule in the box,

Once again, it disappeared. .

No notice of cancellation or postponement!

Isn't that too sloppy? Westerners!

It's good, but.

So, as I said last time, it's acne heaven. that's why,

I have to take vitamins! and,

I bought this.

I don't mind eating it raw, but I don't mind buying it, but I don't want to eat it.

I'll let it rot.

Thanks to you(?), I've returned to normalcy after a long period of acne heaven.

Huh, for a while...

Is it puberty?

Youth! ! ! !

That's what I thought,

Even if you're still young, it's too late for you. .

So, it's definitely adult acne.

The scars don't heal very well and it's depressing! Hmm.





*Please wait until the details of the announced products are uploaded.

Have the cherry blossoms scattered?

Thank you for your check.

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