Only my face is white! That's the situation.

Returning from the escape and living a normal life.

In Paris, it gets really hot, and it gets really cool. . It has become.
It was extremely hot yesterday and the day before yesterday, so I was wearing a BB cream that also served as a sunscreen.
The rest is already very black, so
Only the fierce face has white eyes? Or rather, concrete?
It's in a state I want to see. .

Hmm, I have to do something. .

As I thought about this, I scrubbed my face with my bare hands, feeling like my whiteness had grown, and went out.

It may be that the color of the BB cream doesn't match, but when it comes to matching the color of other parts,
Even if it is colorless, it feels like that,
I started to feel like I had to make something for people who bake.

Besides, are you thinking about plans to fly somewhere almost every day?
Due to lack of budget, I could not carry it out! ! !

But then again, why is this happening in the summer?
I know that everywhere is expensive, but I still want to go somewhere.

Melons are delicious again this year!

antique lace No. 6804

antique lace No. 6788

antique lace Number 6793

Further preview photos are being released on Instagram.
Creamy (Follow Me)

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