マスク .FR a l'epoque


I'm back from a harsh patrol.

I went out for a while with a friend who was a colleague from my Japon days.

France has been raining lately. .

Even though it's May, the temperature has only risen to 12 or 13 degrees.

The cold days continue.

On the day of outing patrol for one day only

It's been raining since the morning.

Actually, the day before that, I had been traveling north and south of the suburbs since early morning.

I was visiting the site in the evening,

It's raining everywhere. .

In the suburbs of Paris before leaving for a long trip,

"Hmm... I'm disappointed that there's nothing here," I thought as I was resting at a cafe.

There was an old man next to me who bought a mask like this.

from before,

"Well, who's going to take care of it?"

I thought this every time I saw a stand that only sold African masks.

was there! ! Here=!

So, I took a quick photo without using it.

The uncle is

``I'm just meeting up with someone, and I'll come look for you.''

Could you please take a look at this baggage? ”

I said that and left the place.

Then come back and

"Have you been a good boy?"

I was worried about the mask,

“He was very quiet.”

I praised him for being such a good boy.

Sorry for the lack of advance notice this time.

I pressed it a little,

As soon as possible, we must focus on scouting new recruits.

No one will be on the bench! ! !

I hope the sun will shine a little tomorrow.
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