The trick is to do it steadily

I apologize for it being me, but (as always!)

Before my mother was alive,

I often wrote and pasted and left ``quick notes'' here and there.

Apparently, the source of the information was AM radio at noon.

Sometimes, on the back of the mount of meat buns sold in packs of four,

Sometimes I write notes...

At the refrigerator door, in front of the window on the stairs, etc.

Among them, what I remember most is

The trick is to do it steadily


I don't know who said those words, but in my mind, they are completely

This is a famous quote from my mother.

Well, I wasn't trying to write a collection of famous sayings, but...

Every week, I go out on patrol and buy something.

Recently, I have returned home empty-handed several times.

It's rare for me to be serious, but it means I'm not serious.

Huh, that's what I thought...

I can't find what I'm looking for. That's what it means.

Of course, there are some things you can't find unless you look for them.

If you are looking for something with a big link called brocanto,

I feel like it's better not to look for it.

As I frantically searched for it, I found nothing unexpected.

I'm ignoring it. . perhaps.

Well, it doesn't work if what you're looking for is limited. .

By the way, leaving aside whether it is trivial knowledge or not,...

I think you'd like to get a little bit of relief from Brokan.

In such a case, rather than saying "leave it",

I think it's psychologically more successful to say, "How much will it cost?"

for example,

When I was told it would cost 20 euros, I said, ``Please give it to me.''

It's easy to decline with oui or non.

It's easy to get the punch line, "No!!"

When I was told it was 20 euros, I said, "15 euros?"

When I ask, before I think of oui non, I think of 15 euros.

High success rate! I feel like that.

Try it to see if it's a lie.

(*Please do not try it at our store.)

When I got on the train to Versailles for the first time in a while, I happened to

It was a Versailles specification vehicle.

It's a little hard to understand, but

It made me want to look inside a glittering castle.

Look at your mountain from the neighboring mountain.






The top dress has over 50 threatening photos.

Well then.
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