I'm back!

I'm back! Because I got really lost today, and after 3 hours of walking in the countryside, I finally arrived!

And it's salty! ! !

And I don't know how to get home! !

Besides, I can't walk for hours with my luggage!

Even if I call a taxi, it has to be from Paris! !

So, I asked a stranger to give me a ride to the station. .

Looking out from the car, I get chills when I think about walking here.

Did you force yourself to buy it?

After all, after walking so long and finally arriving, there was no way I would be empty-handed! !

It's running.

Konomon was wonderful.


no! Not only this, but I also walked by the stream, walked into the crowd, stopped at a bakery, and asked the lady at the newspaper store.

, Talking to the dog-walking lady from a distance.

There's still more, but...the history until we arrived. .

On a different topic, I have a favorite cafe in my neighborhood.

We had lunch there, main course, dessert, and cafe for 15 euros.

Moreover, it’s delicious!

It's not super cheap, but it's delicious! So I'm going to treat myself. Sometimes.

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