Important notice regarding "Shipping".

↑The image above will take you to the "Registered Mail" product details page.

There are some changes regarding shipping.

Up until now, normal shipping (non-standard-sized mail in Japan)

As an option, upon request

You can choose whether to send it by registered mail or not.

After this change, "registered mail" is now one product.

I think the product number above will be displayed as a recommended product, so

If you would like to order less than 9,800 yen, please place your order in the same way as other items by adding it to your cart.

If you have forgotten, please contact us at a later date and we will be able to make additional changes.

First of all, I would like to say that

In particular, the package arrived even though it was not registered.

There was a slight delay, but...

So that everyone can shop with peace of mind,

This time, the option of registered mail

The total purchase price is

*Free for those who spend over 9,800 yen.

*If the amount is less than 9,800 yen, we will add registered mail for an additional 600 yen.

We will change it to.

Of course, if you are making a large purchase and would like it shipped in a parcel,

A tracking number is included.

Depending on the amount, we will add insurance.

I have specified various things that may cause concern,

Postal accidents can occur both from overseas and within Japan. Unfortunately, that's true whether or not there is a package number.

The important point to remember is that in the event of an accident,

Are you able to take other actions other than waiting, such as making inquiries?

I think so,

If we can reduce anxiety by assigning numbers. .

We decided to make this change because we thought it was the best solution.

! ! ! No number will never be gone! ! !

Please understand that this is not the case.

It also comes with a registered mail number, so if you lose it,

You can request a search.

Honestly, it takes a lot of time. . (It will take 2 to 3 months to see results)

I don't know why, but it seems that the baggage number assigned in France is converted to a different control number once it enters Japan.

At this point, the general public is in an unknown world. .

You might want to ask, “Why? How??”

That seems to be the case.

This "registered mail" product is available for all products.

It is (should) be displayed as a recommendation.

For those whose total product price is 9,800 yen or more,

By email confirming your order,

This will be ``registered mail at our store'', so

Please ignore it.

For customers who are currently in the hold period and have any changes,

We will contact you from here.


This time the content was heavy, so...

Even though it's a short song, you'll be able to catch your breath and go "fufufu"!

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