大好きなやつ-amp-12316-amp-12316-amp-12316-amp-12316 .FR a l'epoque

My favorite〜〜〜〜

THE BREEDERS is coming out with an album, so I was listening to a lot of things.

The songs they covered took me right back in time.

it is! ! !

I really loved it ====

Before I even got to Ohura, I wondered what the name of the movie theater in Shibuya was.

It's located at the top of Spain Hill.

Did you go see it? I was really impressed.

At that time, I hadn't even decided to come to the hula,

I was married and was enjoying myself without any problems, but the people I met and the things I saw at that time...

I didn't know what to say, but I was feeling frustrated and thinking, ``It's boring as it is'' and ``Something isn't right.'' .

To put it in Lily Franky's terms, it felt like being thrown out of Tokio's center of gravity.

Then, as if I was drawn to something, I thought, ``Let's go abroad.'' Let's live. Yes, I wanted to go to Paris~

I made a quick decision, prepared quickly, and came here.

This movie is my last memory of Japon.

Well, when I came and saw it, I could clearly see the good things about Japon.

No. 9435 Updated on March 19th

No. 9440 Updated on March 20th

No. 9444 Updated on March 22nd

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