I just returned from a business trip patrol. Summer 2014

I just came back from patrol with a fierce mark on my shoulder.

Even though it's a mark, it's not a sunburn.

Like every year, the colors are typical of Southeast Asia.

The traces this time are not only that, but...

It's a mark of digging into the bag!


Based on the results, the patrol content was quite biased.

Furthermore, as usual, there was an accident at the very end!

That's why.

Prepare a roll and an Arab sack, fold them up on your way out,

On the way home, I tied up a tight Arab sack, but when I wanted to "start working hard with it",

When you get on the train, the handle looks great.

It was completely broken. . .

I bought a new one just for this occasion. . Rolling around.

Moreover, even though I bought a slightly better and more expensive one...

After all, no matter where you go, it may be made in China.

The handle gets longer when you pull it, like a trunk.

It slipped out completely, as if it were going to last forever.

Due to the reaction, I stopped later ===!

So, long-distance buses, TGV, and any other place are fine.

I was moving around, and the important thing was to enter Paris, transfer to the metro, and go home.

Until now, he was carrying two full bags without carrying anything. .

---God, please give me a break. Because I'm not young. .ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー

That's the tragedy.

Naturally, Coro Coro, who was broken, threw away the quick attack at home.

I go to the same place every time, so the photos are the same every year.

This time, on a weekday when there was nothing to do, I went out on a bicycle to the next village,

Even though I say bike, it's not a normal city ride, it's a VTT,

On the way home, I purposely tried running along the mountain trails.

The bike I borrowed was a men's bike with a bar shaped like an inverted triangle in the middle, so during my first practice, I fell over onto the side just by stepping over it, so I was worried about the future.

I managed to get the hang of starting the ride and was able to return safely through the ups and downs.

However, the colleague I went with suddenly disappeared! If you think so

The next moment, he was lying on the ground, showing off his tumble.

Both suffered scrapes and bruises to their knees, elbows, and shins. (And I was already injured before I left.)

I have severe constipation, and it's always difficult, but when the environment changes,

I end up stocking up a lot, so

My mom, who is taking care of me, buys me a lot of prunes.

When you go to the mountains, you can see fruits and vegetables growing on the side of the road like this.

Prunes also come in the familiar black color, yellow, and green.

Cheap! ! ! ! !

This is completely unrelated, but it's something like Singapore.

There was a fish that ate dead skin cells,

If it looks interesting, give it a try!

The one with the heel, the one with the sole of the foot, etc.

I thought it was going to go crazy...

they are too hard

“Nannamon, can you eat it!”

That's what it felt like. . The parts I expected were left intact.

Well, if you think about it, it's probably not possible unless you have really thick teeth.

Even if you just put your feet close to the tank, they will

They gather around and can't resist saying, "Wow!

It was a bit choppy, but towards the end the guy got carried away and started biting a little harder.

I mean, really, Brocan, France, and even southern France...

It doesn't really matter! Hehe.

There was a brocan in the same village, so I decided to walk along the animal trail.

(Originally, it seems to have been a sheep path)

I hadn't had breakfast, so I picked some berries and ate them on the way.

This is what the side of the road looks like

It was in this village,


We met often on patrol in Paris and became acquainted.

I met an old woman while patrolling a slightly larger town the day before.

We were both surprised,

It's perfect here too! ! !

While I was looking at something, I happened to be looking at something next to me.

A colleague who was next to me noticed and said, “Again!?”

When I called out,

My aunt also said in a really loud voice, "Seriously!"

Well, here the yield was 0. .


Like this.

In Paris, it was a series of cold days that didn't feel like summer,

It was nice to just be able to go somewhere where the sun was shining!

Still, there was a fair amount of mistral wind blowing down from the mountains, so it was still a cooler vacation compared to last year.

The harvest was really unbalanced and ended up being all kind of similar.


Look forward to the introduction!


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