late spring

I just realized that I haven't blogged even once in April! ! !
I don't know if anyone is reading this, but I'll try writing again.

Furthermore, I haven't written for a long time, so I'll write a long one.

Hmm, it's almost spring.
Winter wasn't that cold this year, but it felt like it was really long...
And even now in May, I'm still wearing knitwear, and it's cold.
It's good to be in a sunny place, but the air is still cold, so if there's no sunlight, it's cold.

A while ago, I went south on a business trip that wasn't my personal patrol.
I didn't know if it was hot or cold.
For now, I wear a lot of clothes so that I can take them off at any time.
Depending on the time, it will be a transformer. .

By the way, a few years ago, it was cold when I went out on patrol in the morning, so I came out quite fluffy.
By mid-afternoon, it was too hot, so I started taking off my clothes, but I ended up coming home with only my Baba shirt on.

On a patrol when it was still cold. I feel so excited.

Minamisumi cat

Minamisumi dog

On this slave business trip, I had a long conversation with an old man who sat across from me on the train.
I don't dislike talking to people I don't really know, so it's okay at first, but...
In the end, we talked for 4 hours until the old man got off.

According to what I heard, it was the old man's first train ride in 25 years.
At that point, I thought, "That's a lie!"
In addition to photos of children, I was also shown photos of chickens in the garden, so it could be possible. .
It feels strange.

The old man was talking happily, with a pocket whiskey in hand, of course.
That bottle that you often see in comics and movies that looks like the curve of a portable pocket bag.

I pulled out two packs of crushed sandwiches from my bag and started munching on them.
I took out my itinerary for my next trip to Thailand, and the edges of the document were dirty, so I looked inside my bag and wondered, "What?"
The egg you brought to your friend is broken in your bag. That's what it means. .

Finally, I received a contact information asking me to come visit you next time. Should I go?

Well, something like this wouldn't happen in Paris, so it was fun.

Come to think of it, I wasn't feeling well in April, and I was dizzy for more than half of the month.
Probably when I took a shower the day before, some shampoo or treatment got directly into my ear and I put a cotton swab through it.
I think it's the cause,

When I wake up in the morning, I feel groggy and can't get up, and when I try to walk, it sways so I can't walk straight.
Every time I move my head a little, it starts to shake and I feel sick. . and
At first, what if it was a blood clot in the brain? ``Tomorrow, say goodbye to life.'' It's possible.
So my friend took me to the hospital by force, but in the end, the medicine they gave me didn't work either.
I was dizzy for about 3 weeks. was.

In the end, it was a benign blah blah blah. Apparently something has fallen off in the semicircular canal, causing dizziness.
And it will heal in a few weeks. Apparently it was that guy.

Everything about it seemed vague, like it seemed like something was going on, and I was feeling vaguely ill, but...
Everyone, if you suddenly experience severe dizziness (it's rotatory and can last for about 30 seconds), try lying down with your head a little lower.
Try doing this on your back for 30 seconds and on your side for 30 seconds.
I feel like it's probably cured.

Other than that, maybe I'm feeling a bit groggy since it's gotten warmer, or maybe I'm elderly.
I wear my favorite bra top inside out and don't notice it all day long. That's what happened.
When I took it off at night, I had padding on top of my tank top, giving me a mermaid look.

Whew, I've been writing lazily, but it's been a long time since I've written anything, and it's terrible.

We are also promoting the trailer on Instagram. Please follow me if you like.

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