Both are both

Finally, we have crossed the peak!

What is it?

This week, I was secretly suffering from a severe cold. .

If I remember...

I haven't been able to stop coughing since last Sunday.

“Anyway, I’m sure you’ll leave me alone!”

After that, things got worse and worse,

If you notice, during the week,

Isn't your throat going to pop out from a strong cough? ! It was about that.

By the way, most of my colds start with a sore throat, but this time, as soon as I started coughing,

= Be careful = Should have done it. .

I felt good about it, and on the first day, Sunday, I went to a friend's house to pick cherries.

We participated a lot, moved and climbed the big ladder, got down and moved, ate while picking, and finished it at North Riwanpi.

I ate so much that I couldn't move. . So it became.

Things started to get a little worse, and I was thinking, ``Hmm, this could be bad,'' but during the week, I had to rendez-vous my residence permit, which I had to force myself to do, and when I came back (and on a bike), The temperature was over 38 degrees. .


I might die like this~

A will, a will.

- Do not take the body back to your home country, but burn it locally. .

Erm, erm...

Ah, what should I do about shipping the site and contacting them?

That, too, must be written in the will. .

etc., on the bed,

I was shaking like a little rabbit.


I found myself feeling rather drunk. ← You can afford it!

For some reason, in the end, my only strength is my strength.

It's okay though.

Still, I feel like I have more chances to catch a cold every year.

It's better not to be too overconfident. From now on.

While I was feeling dizzy, I went to ship the item,

On the way home after making sure I had enough food, I met up with a friend.

``I caught a cold and had a fever of 38 degrees.''

If you say,

"38 degrees is just a slight fever, it's not a big deal."


Ah, this country measures body temperature with the butt, so it's about 1 degree closer than us.

My body temperature was high.

I thought back and said, ``Well, anyway, my normal temperature is 36 degrees and 4 minutes.

It was so hot! ”, appeals to the sick.

I'm not completely recovered now, but I'm starting to feel better.

That's why I've been curious about it for a long time.

House of Councilors election

Voting in France was until July 14th.

I went in a hurry!

I feel like I have fulfilled some responsibility.

At the very end, we finally landed on the title.

It's a long journey to get there!

voter (vote) voter (vote) = to vote.






Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like it's extremely hot in Japan. .

Recently, in an email to a customer,

``I think it's great for Japanese girls to dress properly even though it's hot.''

After writing something. . .

- Get dressed. . Is it obvious? . I'm not a nudist.

I thought back on it.

Please eat well and take proper nutrition.

It's your body's capital, so anything goes! ! !

Please take care of yourself.

I felt like I found something really cool! !

At that time, I was still watching the opening of "Maicchingu Machiko Sensei".

I was really into recording in front of the TV though.
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