I went to Porto

During the Brussels patrol in February, a friend

He contacted me and said, "I have a voucher that I need to use up, and I got one for Porto. Would you like to go?"

I can't make any plans for the future, so I couldn't decide on anything for May in February. I said I wanted to go, but I wasn't sure if I could go.

I had actually always wanted to go to Portugal, so I decided to go much later from this point on.

It's the same for my trip to Japan, but I can't decide on the dates until the last minute, and I really, really hate the process of preparing for a trip, like comparing ticket prices and booking accommodation.

Many people try to book in advance to get cheaper tickets, but it always ends up being cheaper a week before. Even so, since Paris and Portugal are close, the cost is the same as traveling within France.

Even though I've become so grown up, I still can't make plans, and I don't think that's going to change in the future. In fact, I'm getting more and more senile, so I can't even make plans.

"Hmm? Where am I going?" Once you get there, you might end up thinking "Hmm? Where am I?".

So I went to Porto instead of Lisbon.

Wherever I go in Europe it's similar to France so I'm not particularly impressed, but when I got to Portugal I got really excited at the complete change!

However, the weather was bad throughout the trip... except for the day we left.

It's a town on a hill, or rather a mountain, so it's fun to go up, go down, go up again, and so on. The people are kind!! And the prices are so cheap.

What does it mean for dessert to be 3 euros? At a restaurant.

Eating your fill costs about 20 euros per person? In Paris, that would be the lunch price.

I thought it might be ok to move!

I've been studying English recently, but my English is completely useless, so I somehow managed to communicate with him using gestures and French. I finally said "thank you," and he said,

It was as if he automatically understood that "obrigada" is the Portuguese word for "thank you," and he just kept saying "thank you!" It's become a universal language now!

Of course I did Parotor without any expectations, but I found less than I expected. Well, I knew that.

But it's a city with a lot of mosaics and a history of racing, so I'm sure they're there somewhere.

Next time, I want to go when the weather is nice. I'd like to swim in the ocean too.

By the way, I bought a Baton diffuser with a scent I really like at the parfumierie in Porto, but when I got home and set it up, it smelled completely different. I was smelling soap and candles, so the liquid smell was strong, or rather, it smelled like an old man's pomade, and it was a smell that gave me a headache. Damn, I have two bottles!

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